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The New Sun has caught the eye of high-placed optimists" -

Ideal Indoor Living
Optimal health for humans, buildings, and planet

Imagine living in the perfect home. By that I mean breathing in air that is pure and super healthy for you, having insulation that keeps all critters out, and enjoying the same lovely temperature wherever you go, whether standing by the window or in your cozy bed.

It's already a reality... Continued

"...Conflict resolution. Whether it starts in the home or the neighborhood, the town, the state - let's just see if we can't talk to each other, rather than talking passed each other, and try to lower the amount of anger that's out there."

Michael Douglas on Democracy

Upside and downside.

First the downside: Continued...

Academy Award-winners Joseph Fioretti and Lee Grant Raise Money for Ukraine

Ukrainian Institute of America hosts art exhibit, Fioretti•Family, Friends & Flowers

The show featured sunflowers - Ukraine's national symbol of peace and resilience - as well as beautiful portraits and upper west side cityscapes.

Proceeds from art sales benefited the war-torn country. You can still donate to the cause. Continued.

Norway America Partnerships Inspire Innovation

Collaborations and inventions - past and present

by Lese Dunton

Norwegians and Americans have always done well together.

Now their success is growing bigger and better than ever. Continued.

An Interview with Diana Beresford-Kroeger
Planting Trees Can Save Us
by Lese Dunton

You may have read about scientist and author Diana Beresford-Kroeger in The New York Times or seen her interviewed by Jane Fonda on Fire Drill Fridays.

Ms. Beresford-Kroeger is uniquely skilled at helping us understand our spiritual and biological connection to forests - and provides the answers we need for climate renewal. A blend of mystic, scientist, and visionary, she understands ancient Celtic wisdom as deeply as the fields of botany and medical biochemistry.

In her vast earth-changing work, including the documentary, Call Of The Forest - The Forgotten Wisdom Of Trees, she clearly explains "the science and enchantment of the global forest."

More good news: Diana is on a mission to save the planet in a simple and effective way that everyone can do right now: by planting trees. Continued.

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